50 Years in 50 Weeks: May 17, 1972 Chaotic Cowboy Contest

The Covered Wagon bar hosted the 1972 Mr. Cowboy contest, but things didn't go well, as reported in the B.A.R.'s May 17 issue. Many in attendance were "stirred into a frenzy of accusations, charges and counter-charges of fraud, fake fix and cheat."

by Jim Provenzano | Apr 9, 2021

Homing's In April 9-16, 2021

Spring has quite sprung and many arts, nightlife and community organizers and producers have emerged from their Zoom caves. Chirp, chirp.

by Jim Provenzano | Apr 8, 2021

SF Film Festival 2021; a Few Fave Flicks

SFFilm is making big changes to accommodate the pandemic for its 64th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival to be held from April 9-18 that will include primarily online streaming and in-person events at the Fort Mason Flix drive-in theater.

by Brian Bromberger | Apr 9, 2021

50 Years in 50 Weeks: May 1, 1971: In All Their Plumage

As we continue to celebrate the Bay Area Reporter's 50th anniversary, each week we'll take a nostalgic look at a highlight from each year's issues. In May 1, 1971 , a plumaged party seemed like a lot of fun.

by Jim Provenzano | Apr 6, 2021

Groove Tube: The B.A.R.'s Five Decades of TV Turn-Ons

It is hard to narrow the discourse to just a handful of TV shows over so many years and hundreds of columns, but here are some of the LGBTQ stories that spurred controversy or altered the landscape.

by Victoria A. Brownworth | Apr 7, 2021

Screen Times: Film Coverage in the B.A.R. Through 50 Years, Part 2

As the 1990s approached, films began to offer more positive portrayals of LGBTQ people, often as the loyal best friend, with characters beginning to be more fleshed out, having lives rooted in their sexuality but not necessarily ruled only by it.

by Brian Bromberger | Apr 6, 2021

Homing's In, April 2-12, 2021

As we continue to celebrate the Bay Area Reporter's 50th anniversary, let's look to arts nightlife and community groups that share our collective history. Long-running theater companies and even new online forums span the decades.

by Jim Provenzano | Apr 1, 2021

Go West: How the B.A.R. Brought Me to California and Halfway Around the World, Twice

With more than 900 articles penned for the Bay Area Reporter, I feel a strong connection as the newspaper celebrates its 50th anniversary this week. I thought to share some behind the scenes tales as well.

by Jim Provenzano | Mar 31, 2021

50 Years of Leather in the B.A.R.

In honor of the B.A.R.'s 50th anniversary, let's look back on the past five decades of local leather seen through the lens of the paper, which is admittedly but a smidgen of the entirety of local leather history.

by Race Bannon | Mar 31, 2021

Curtains Up, and Out: Theater Through the Decades

If you search the word "theater" in the archives of the Bay Area Reporter, you'll discover plenty of features and reviews. A few productions with LGBT themes stand out.

by Jim Gladstone | Mar 31, 2021

Displaying 75 out of 609 pages