Feb 21
Studying the Briefs of Jonathan Hanley
Timothy Rawles READ TIME: 1 MIN.
Body Building and fitness goals might be the objectives of many social media thirst traps, but the rest of us like looking at the results. Jonathan Hanley checks both boxes in his feed with endless shots of him working out and then getting into some skimpy briefs for his fans to enjoy, keeping our fantasies hydrated with plenty of thirst-quenching content.
His signature style is to take selfies wearing swimwear – briefs, specifically. Occasionally he will do one in the nude, cleverly hiding any private parts with a well-placed leg. If there is an art to thirst traps, Jonathan is a virtuoso. He gives his followers plenty of skin while leaving what's beneath that perfectly formed V-line a mystery. His fitness mission is commendable, but we might need a debriefing to get all his secrets.