The Center To Administer NYS LGBT Health and Human Services Network


The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center) is proud to announce that The AIDS Institute at the New York State Department of Health has selected The Center to administer The New York State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network (the Network). The Center will work under The AIDS Institute's guidance to support the Network's 50+ LGBT-specific and LGBT-supportive nonprofit organizations that provide care to LGBT New Yorkers and their families.

"The Center is honored to have been selected to coordinate the Network, an invaluable coalition of LGBT service organizations that safeguards the health and wellbeing of LGBT communities state-wide," said Glennda Testone, Executive Director of The Center. "The Network's initiatives integrate perfectly with The Center's mission, creating a natural and synergic partnership to better the lives of LGBT New Yorkers."

The Network seeks to build a stronger, safer healthcare environment for all LGBT New Yorkers by increasing LGBT cultural competency, LGBT community capacity and LGBT self-advocacy and leadership. Included in The Center's role is facilitation of Network-wide meetings to connect with organizations throughout the state and discuss services and growth strategies.

The Network also hosts an annual retreat for members to discuss future programming, and an annual technical assistance conference which focuses on grant writing, monthly reporting and evaluation and capacity building. These gatherings help sustain the Network and serve as an opportunity for LGBT organizations and those serving LGBT people to connect and network.

"We are pleased The NYC LGBT Community Center has been selected to continue the vital work of the NYS LGBT Health & Human Services Network," said Dan O'Connell, Director of The AIDS Institute. "Network members are our partners in meeting The AIDS Institute priorities for LGBT health and have played an important role in sustaining and growing the capacity of LGBT health organizations across the state for more than 20 years. We look forward to our continuing partnership with the Network and The Center."

For more information, please visit


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