CDC: Gay Porn Actor Transmitted HIV After Negative Test Results


Officials from Center for Disease Control said that a gay porn actor likely transmitted HIV to at least two men even though testing results for the performer said he did not have the disease, Towleroad reports.

A report from the CDC, which was published on Feb. 12, says the unnamed 25-year-old gay porn actor was tested for HIV in 2014 and the results came back negative. He went on to have unprotected sex with 12 other performers as well as five non-work partners. The report adds, "the performer, having tested negative by nucleic acid amplification test within the preceding 14 days, and unaware of his very recent HIV infection, infected another performer and a non-work-related partner."

The report also says none of the men, including the men who did not contract the virus, were on PrEP.

"The high prevalence of STIs within this network of sexual partners, including performers, emphasizes the importance of consistent condom use,"the report reads. "In addition to complying with regulatory requirements under OSHA standards, the adult film industry should consider the implementation of combination HIV prevention strategies, including biomedical (HIV testing, treatment, and PrEP) and behavioral (consistent and correct use of condoms) interventions."

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