84-Year-Old Man Allegedly Dumps Urine on Teen in 'Self-Defense'


Police arrested an 84-year-old man Saturday after he allegedly dumped a bowl of urine on a 13-year-old boy, who the man accused of vandalizing his walkway, according to a police report obtained by the Smoking Gun.

Charles Weatherford, of Evansville, Ind., called police after the teen allegedly smashed landscaping bricks outside Weatherford's home. When cops arrived, they noted in a police report they smelled a "strong odor of urine but were unable to determine the source." They left the scene but were called back to the neighborhood after the boy's mother, Alicia Lile, reported her son "had been assaulted with bodily waste," claiming Weatherford poured urine on the boy from his balcony.

Police said the boy "had a strong smell of urine emanating from his person" and reported the teen told them he was arguing with Weatherford before the suspect threw urine on him.

Officers questioned Weatherford, who said he was angry when the boy called him names and challenged him to fight.

"Weatherford then stated that he then threw a liquid onto the Juvenile male suspect," police said.

Cops arrested Weatherford on a felony charge and on the way to jail, he "disclosed that he did sometimes keep a bowl of urine on his balcony for self defense," according to a police report.

When police were taking inventory of Weatherford's belongings, cops reported smelling a "strong odor of urine emitting" from his shoes.

Weatherford was charged with battery by communicable bodily fluid / waste, a felony, and battery on a victim under the age of 14. Weatherford posted his $750 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on August 19.


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