Wis. School Adopts Pro-Trans Policy

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

A Wisconsin school district has adopted a policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom and locker room of the gender with which they identify if it's OK with their parents and principals.

The Janesville Gazette (http://bit.ly/1tyN0SK ) reported Friday that the Janesville School Board adopted the policy to bar discrimination based on gender identity.

Craig High School teacher Katy Hess advises the Gay-straight Alliance and says its members were very pleased by the board's action. Hess says she regularly hears students in the club discuss bullying and harassment that they have experienced. She estimates the school has about a half-dozen transgender students.

The policy says the school will provide reasonable accommodations for transgender students after receiving written requests from their parents or guardians. School principals must the requests.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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